You may want help in designing your own transition coaching materials, using my materials or ones we customize for you. I can guide you in facilitating transitions for an organization or small group, or individual clients.
You get the maximum benefit of my experience and design skill in the shortest amount of time. I will provide you with additional resources and follow-up as needed.
At the conclusion of our work, you will have in place transition management work that can be used with confidence. Please also consider the popular certification training program that gives you a deep experience in designing your own program and include 90 minutes of coaching with me.
Contact me to set up a consultation. I will send you a short survey to identify your needs before we talk. The charge is $150 per hour.

Leia Francisco is the consummate transitions guide – learned, wise and compassionate. She deftly fosters clear vision when you’re stuck in the weeds while inviting solid, practical strategies necessary to support your “new way.’ Leia accomplishes this with humor, grace, and deep respect for the skills and wisdom that you may not have unlocked yet in yourself. The result is a navigation plan that can be your own map for all of life’s changes – welcome or not – you can thrive!
Let’s Talk
If you would like to be on my mailing list for classes, teleconferences, openings in certification training, or special events, send your name to me at
My interest is this: What is best for you?
Let’s Talk
If you want to figure out what might help you best,
sign up for a free, confidential Exploration Session with me.